2181 Landstown Road Virginia Beach, VA 23456
Training Center Fields #1 and #2 – Astroturf
Sportsplex – Field Turf
click here for detailed map
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details & info
27th Annual
NFHL Fall Championship & Challenge Cup
November 22nd-24th, 2024
Virginia Beach Training Center / Sportsplex
Hampton Roads Soccer Complex
Virginia Beach, VA
November 21st-23rd, 2025
Field Locations
Training Center
& Sportsplex
Hampton Roads Soccer Complex
2276 Recreation Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23456
Fields #6 and #8 – Field Turf
5 mins drive from Location 1 (1.8 miles)
click here for detailed map
Fall Championship
The top 16 teams (based on regular season fall standings) in the league will be invited to compete in nationals, at the Fall Championship. Four alternates will also be announced and invited if a top 16 team waives their spot. Teams will be announced after the completion of the regular fall season and are required to RSVP by the deadline assigned.
Teams will be ranked and standings adjusted based on minimum game requirements and regulations. For details on NFHL rules, minimum game requirements, and ranking, please visit www.nationalfieldhockeyleague.com/rules.
- Boston College (A)
- University of Georgia (A)
- University of Virginia (A)
- Penn State University (A)
- University of Michigan (A)
- University of Massachusetts Amherst (A)
- Virginia Tech (A)
- University of Maryland (A)
- University of Vermont (A)
- Duke University (A)
- University of Alabama (A)
- University of North Carolina – Wilm (A)
- Georgetown University (B)
- Temple University (A)
- Saint Josephs University (B)
- Northeastern University (B)
18. George Washington University (B)
19. West Chester University (B)
20. James Madison University (B)
- Must be an active NFHL member in good standing.
- Must have reviewed the current Membership Guide and completed and passed the Annual Assessment.
- Must have paid annual membership dues and not have an outstanding balance.
- Must have fulfilled minimum game requirements.
- Non-local teams (traveling >90 miles) are required to use the NFHL booking links and stay at an NFHL partner hotel.
- Teams must play a minimum of 7 games. The last day to play eligible games for the 2024 season is Sunday, November 3rd.
- Opponents can be any combination of A or B teams but they must be an active NFHL member.
- Each team will be allotted 2 “Forfeit Win” games:
- Forfeit wins are games where the opposing team cancelled less than 10 full days prior to the game time – please see Fall Season Cancellations below for more information on forfeit wins).
- Only the first 2 forfeit wins will count towards a team’s record. After a team has used up their 2 forfeit wins, all other forfeit wins will be excluded from their record.
- All forfeit losses (for the team that cancelled a game less than 10 full days prior to the game time) will count towards a team’s official record.
- Teams are allowed to play up to 2 teams twice. If you play a team more than twice, those additional games will not count towards your record.
- All games count toward winning % and tie breakers (averaged over the total # of games).
We recommend you schedule more than 7 games during the season if you are trying to compete for entry into the Fall Championship. Weather, cancellations, and/or forfeits may affect your minimum game requirement plans.
- Teams must be able to send a full team to the the tournament (11 players minimum).
- All players must be eligible participants per each school’s specific club sports eligibility requirements. Rosters must be verified (signed and approved) by the school’s club sports rep.
- All non-local teams (traveling >90 miles) are required to stay at a NFHL partner hotel using the links on the event website.
- Teams must be available to play from 11am-7pm on Friday, 7am-7pm on Saturday AND from 7am-3pm on Sunday.
- Entry Fee (2023): $500/team
- ALL teams must abide by all deadlines.
Tournament Deadlines
- RSVP: Tuesday, November 5th at 10pm ET
- Hotel Reservations: November 7th
- P2P: November 11th
- Verified Rosters: November 15th
- Entry Fee: November 15th (if P2P was received, deadline extended to December 15th)
- Tournament Shirt Orders: November 15th
Rosters and Player Eligibility
- All players must be eligible participants per each school’s specific club sports eligibility requirements. Rosters must be verified (signed and approved) by the school’s club sports rep.
- If you are found to have any ineligible players on your team, you can face up to suspension from the league.
- All players must be added to the team’s LeagueApps roster by the assigned deadline.
- All players must complete their waivers (via LeagueApps) by the assigned deadline.
- All players must complete their daily health screening form for each day they play games at the tournament.
- The schedule will be released by November 10th (subject to change).
- Teams must be available to play between 10am-7pm on Friday, 7am-7pm on Saturday AND from 7am-3pm on Sunday.
- Sometimes games need to be switched and rearranged – we need you to be flexible, patient, and open-minded.
- Teams must bring light and dark colored shirts/jerseys.
Pre-Order Tournament Shirts
- A VERY limited number of shirts will be available for sale at the tournament. We highly recommend all players/fans pre-order their shirts online. Shirts will be available for pickup at the Registration Table at the tournament.
- We cannot ship shirts.
Late Fees
- Dues not received by assigned deadline (November 15th): a late fee of $50 will be charged to a team’s account. For teams that had a P2P submitted by Club Sports, the deadline is December 15th.
- Dues not received by one week after assigned deadline (November 22nd): an additional late fee of $50 will be charged to a team’s account ($100 total in late fees). For teams that had a P2P submitted by Club Sports, the deadline is December 15th.
All teams must cancel in writing (send email to info@nationalfieldhockeyleague.com). Teams that have submitted a written RSVP and cancel:
- On or before November 10th: still required to pay dues PLUS a fine of $250 by November 10th. Late fees will still accrue if a payment/P2P is not received by the deadlines. Failure to pay dues, any accrued late fees, and fines will result in probation from the league. A team put on probation and their account deactivated. The team will only be reinstated with a majority vote from the NFHL Board and once the tournament dues and fine have been paid.
- November 11th – day before tournament: still required to pay dues, any accrued late fees, PLUS a $500 fine by December 1st. Late fees will still accrue if a payment/P2P is not received by the deadlines. Failure to pay dues, any accrued late fees, and fines will result in probation from the league. A team put on probation and their account deactivated. The team will only be reinstated with a majority vote from the NFHL Board and once the tournament dues, fine and any late fees have been paid.
“No Shows”
Teams that have committed to coming to the Fall Tournament (by submitting an RSVP) and cancel on the day of the tournament or do not show up for 1 or more games at the tournament (including playoff games):
- Still required to pay dues, any accrued late fees, PLUS a fine of $750 by December 1st.
- Failure to pay dues, any accrued late fees, and fines will result in probation from the league. A team put on probation and their account deactivated. The team will only be reinstated with a majority vote from the NFHL Board and once the tournament dues, fine and any late fees have been paid.
Fall Challenge Cup

2024 brings the 4th Annual Fall Challenge Cup, open to all active teams. The Challenge Cup will be held on the same weekend as the Fall Championship at the same location.
By completing an RSVP, you are committing to attend the tournament and pay the entry fee. You are also subject to any late fees and cancellation fees. The tournament is first come, first served until the maximum number of teams has been reached.
If you commit to this tournament, but end up qualifying for the NFHL Fall Championship, your team’s spot in the Challenge Cup will be given to an alternate and you will be moved to the Fall Championship tournament. If you already paid the tournament entry fee, the difference will be reimbursed to you as a credit or to the original payment method, whichever is preferred.
College of William and Mary
Drexel University
Fairfield University
George Washington University
James Madison University
Liberty University
Messiah University
Quinnipiac University
The College of New Jersey
Towson University
United States Naval Academy
University of Delaware
University of Miami
University of Pennsylvania
University of Pittsburgh
University of Tennessee
Villanova University
Virginia Commonwealth University
Wake Forest University
- Must be an active NFHL member in good standing.
- Must have reviewed the current Membership Guide and completed and passed the Annual Assessment.
- Must have paid annual membership dues and not have an outstanding balance.
- There are no minimum game requirements.
- Non-local teams (traveling >90 miles) are required to use the NFHL booking links and stay at an NFHL partner hotel.
- Teams must be able to send a full team to the the tournament OR merge with another NFHL team (for 11 players minimum).
- All players must be eligible participants per each school’s specific club sports eligibility requirements. Rosters must be verified (signed and approved) by the school’s club sports rep.
- All non-local teams (traveling >90 miles) are required to stay at a NFHL partner hotel using the links on the event website.
- Teams must be available to play from 11am-7pm on Friday, 7am-7pm on Saturday AND from 7am-3pm on Sunday.
- Entry fee (2023): $950 per team
- ALL teams must abide by all deadlines.
- RSVP: Friday, September 15th, 2024
- Entry Fee OR P2P email: October 15th (if P2P is received, payment deadline extended to November 15th)
- Hotel Reservations (updated): October 20th
- Preliminary Rosters (updated): October 25th
- Verified Rosters: November 15th
- Tournament Shirt/Sweatshirt Orders: November 15th
Rosters and Player Eligibility
- All players must be eligible participants per each school’s specific club sports eligibility requirements. Rosters must be verified (signed and approved) by the school’s club sports rep.
- If you are found to have any ineligible players on your team, you can face up to suspension from the league.
- All players must be added to the team’s LeagueApps roster by the assigned deadline.
- All players must complete their waivers (via LeagueApps) by the assigned deadline.
- All players must complete their daily health screening form for each day they play games at the tournament.
- The schedule will be released by November 10th (subject to change).
- Teams must be available to play between 10am-7pm on Friday, 7am-7pm on Saturday AND from 7am-3pm on Sunday.
- Sometimes games need to be switched and rearranged – we need you to be flexible, patient, and open-minded.
- Teams must bring light and dark colored shirts/jerseys.
Pre-Order Tournament Shirts
- A VERY limited number of shirts will be available for sale at the tournament. We highly recommend all players/fans pre-order their shirts online. Shirts will be available for contactless pickup at the Registration Table at the tournament.
- We cannot ship shirts.
- Shirts must be ordered by the assigned deadline.
Late Fees
- Dues OR P2P not received by assigned dues/P2P deadline (October 15th): a late fee of $50 will be charged to a team’s account.
- Dues OR P2P not received by one week after assigned deadline (October 22nd): an additional late fee of $50 will be charged to a team’s account ($100 total in late fees).
- Dues OR P2P not received by two weeks after assigned deadline (October 29th): if the NFHL has not received a team’s dues or a P2P by this deadline, the team will not be allowed to participate in the Fall Tournament. The team is still required to pay dues, any accrued late fees PLUS a $500 fine ($600 total in late fees and fines) by November 1st. The team will be removed from the tournament, placed on probation and their account deactivated. The team will only be reinstated with a majority vote from the NFHL Board and once the tournament dues, fine and all late fees have been paid.
All teams must cancel in writing (send email to info@nationalfieldhockeyleague.com). Teams that have submitted a written RSVP and cancel:
- On or before October 1st: still required to pay dues by October 15th. Late fees will still accrue if a payment/P2P is not received by the deadlines. Failure to pay dues, any accrued late fees, and fines will result in probation from the league. A team put on probation and their account deactivated. The team will only be reinstated with a majority vote from the NFHL Board and once the tournament dues and fine have been paid.
- October 2nd – October 15th: still required to pay dues PLUS a $250 fine by October 15th. Late fees will still accrue if a payment/P2P is not received by the deadlines. Failure to pay dues, any accrued late fees, and fines will result in probation from the league. A team put on probation and their account deactivated. The team will only be reinstated with a majority vote from the NFHL Board and once the tournament dues and fine have been paid.
- October 16th – November 1st: still required to pay dues, any accrued late fees, PLUS a $375 fine by November 1st. Late fees will still accrue if a payment/P2P is not received by the deadlines. Failure to pay dues, any accrued late fees, and fines will result in probation from the league. A team put on probation and their account deactivated. The team will only be reinstated with a majority vote from the NFHL Board and once the tournament dues and fine have been paid.
- November 2nd – day before tournament: still required to pay dues, any accrued late fees, PLUS a $500 fine by December 1st. Late fees will still accrue if a payment/P2P is not received by the deadlines. Failure to pay dues, any accrued late fees, and fines will result in probation from the league. A team put on probation and their account deactivated. The team will only be reinstated with a majority vote from the NFHL Board and once the tournament dues and the late fees have been paid.
“No Shows”
Teams that have committed to coming to the Fall Tournament (by submitting an RSVP) and cancel on the day of the tournament or do not show up for 1 or more games at the tournament (including playoff games):
- Still required to pay dues, any accrued late fees, PLUS a fine of $750 by December 1st.
- Failure to pay dues, any accrued late fees, and fines will result in probation from the league. A team put on probation and their account deactivated. The team will only be reinstated with a majority vote from the NFHL Board and once the tournament dues, fine and any late fees have been paid.
Hotel Blocks
Special NFHL rates for players and fans – all non-local teams (traveling >90 miles) are required to stay at a NFHL partner hotel using the links below (do not book using third-party site such as Expedia, etc.).
Hyatt Place Virginia Beach Oceanfront (NEW!)
3601 Atlantic Ave
Virginia Beach, VA 23451
(757) 300-5045
- $129 – 2 queen beds with sofa bed – OCEANFRONT (sleeps 5)
- $139 – 2 queen beds with sofa bed – HIGH FLOOR OCEANFRONT (sleeps 5)
- $99 – 1 king bed with sofa bed – CITY VIEW (sleeps 3)
- $119 – 1 king bed with sofa bed – OCEANFRONT (sleeps 3)
- $129 – 1 king bed with sofa bed – HIGH FLOOR OCEANFRONT (sleeps 3)
- Reservations must be made by: 11/8/24
- Cancellation policy: 72 hours prior to arrival
- Group code: G-27TH
- All oceanfront rooms have balconies overlooking the Atlantic Ocean and the Virginia Beach Boardwalk
- Free buffet breakfast included
- Free valet parking – one car per room (self-park is not available)
- Complimentary van/bus parking lot is 1.6 miles away from the hotel
- Van/bus parking must be coordinated in advance with Libby Ross and prior to making your reservation – (757) 683-0930 or Libby.Ross@hyatt.com
- 20 minutes to the fields
- Hotel website
- Book online (using button below – please note, you can only book 2 rooms at a time online – to book more than 2 rooms, please make multiple reservations) or by calling 800-886-0451 and asking for the “National Field Hockey League Fall Tournament” group rate
Hilton Garden Inn Town Center
The Town Center of Virginia Beach
252 Town Center Dr.
Virginia Beach, VA
(757) 326-6200
- $136 – 2 queen beds (sleeps 4)
- $124 – 1 king bed (sleeps 2)
- Reservations must be made by: 11/8/24
- Cancellation policy: 72 hours prior to check-in
- Group code: NFHL24
- $4 off (per person per night) breakfast of choice in the Garden Grille Restaurant
- Free parking (van/bus parking is complimentary – must be coordinated in advance with Jewels Samson, Jewels.Samson@hilton.com)
- Located in Town Center of Virginia Beach – with several restaurants, retail stores, and entertainment – all within walking distance
- 20 minutes to the fields
- Hotel website
- Book online (using button below) or call 877-782-9444 and asking for the “National Field Hockey League Fall Tournament” group rate
Hyatt House Virginia Beach Oceanfront
2705 Atlantic Ave
Virginia Beach, VA 23451
(757) 428-4200
- $129 – 2 queen beds (sleeps 4)
- $129 – 1 king bed with sofa bed and kitchenette (sleeps 3)
- Reservations must be made by: 11/8/24
- Cancellation policy: 72 hours prior to arrival
- Group code: G-FH24
- All rooms have oceanfront balconies overlooking the Atlantic Ocean and the Virginia Beach Boardwalk
- Free buffet breakfast included
- Free parking – one car per room
- Van/bus parking is complimentary, but must be coordinated in advance with Elizabeth Rosier, elizabeth.rosier@hyatt.com
- Complimentary van/bus parking lot is 1.2 miles away from the hotel
- 20 minutes to the fields
- Hotel website
- Book online (using button below – please note, you can only book 2 rooms at a time online – to book more than 2 rooms, please make multiple reservations) or by calling 800-886-0451 and asking for the “National Field Hockey League Fall Tournament” group rate
SpringHill Suites Virginia Beach Oceanfront (NEW!)
901 Atlantic Ave
Virginia Beach, VA 23451
(757) 417-3982
- $139 – 2 queen beds with sleeper sofa (sleeps 5)
- Reservations must be made by: 11/8/24
- Cancellation policy: 72 hours prior to arrival
- Group code: NFFNFFA
- Free buffet breakfast included
- Free parking for cars
- Van/bus parking is $25/day (1 block away) and must be coordinated in advance with Gioia Brown, gbrown@shsoceanfrontvb.com
- 20 minutes to the fields
- Hotel website
- Book online (using button below – please note, you can only book 3 rooms at a time online – to book more than 3 rooms, please make multiple reservations) or call 800-874-9351 and ask for the “National Field Hockey League Fall Tournament” group rate
Hyatt Place Virginia Beach Town Center
355 Independence Blvd
Virginia Beach, Virginia, 23462
(757) 431-7000
- $129 – 2 queen beds plus sleeper sofa (sleeps 5) – 2 NIGHT MINIMUM
- $129 – 1 king bed with sleeper sofa (sleeps 3) – 2 NIGHT MINIMUM
- Reservations must be made by: 11/8/24
- Cancellation policy: 4pm 48 hours prior to arrival
- Group code: G-AFCH
- Includes free breakfast in the Gallery Kitchen
- Free parking (van/bus parking is complimentary)
- Located in Town Center of Virginia Beach – with several restaurants, retail stores, and entertainment – all within walking distance
- 20 minutes to the fields
- Hotel website
- Book online (using button below – please note, you can only book 2 rooms at a time online – to book more than 2 rooms, please make multiple reservations) or by calling 800-886-0451 and asking for the “NFHL Fall Tournament” group rate
Courtyard by Marriott Virginia Beach Norfolk – UNAVAILABLE
5700 Greenwich Rd
Virginia Beach, VA 23462
(757) 490-2002
- $119 – 2 queen/double beds (sleeps 4)
- $119 – 1 king bed (sleeps 2)
- Reservations must be made by: 11/8/24
- Cancellation policy: 48 hours prior to arrival
- Group code:
- Free parking (large bus parking is complimentary, but must be coordinated in advance with Kayla Lawrence, Lacaila.Lawrence@marriott.com)
- 20 minutes to the fields
- Hotel website
- Book online (using button below – please note, you can only book 3 rooms at a time online – to book more than 3 rooms, please make multiple reservations) or by calling 800-393-2480 and asking for the “National Field Hockey League Fall Tournament” group rate
Fall Championship & Challenge Cup Additional Details
Directions and Field Information
- Virginia Beach Field Hockey Training Center (Fields 1 and 2 and Sportsplex)
- 2044 Landstown Centre Way, Virginia Beach, VA 23456
- Hampton Roads Soccer Complex (Fields 6 & 8)
- 2276 Recreation Dr, Virginia Beach, VA 23456
Free parking is available for all teams and parents.
Weather / Cancellations
- We can never predict the weather.
- We may need to rearrange games and/or restructure the format of the tournament in extreme weather.
- The NFHL will keep all teams informed of any changes via email – please check your emails on a regular basis!
- Please be flexible – it’s up to you to make this tournament fun and successful
Player Waiver & Release Forms
- All players must complete their online waivers through LeagueApps by the assigned deadline. Players without a signed release form will not be allowed to play in the tournament.
All Stars
- All teams will still submit the names of their top 2 All Stars and their names will be posted on our website.
- Teams are allowed to have as many spectators as they like attend the tournament.
- Free admission and parking for all spectators.
- Please keep your spectators updated if any changes are made.
- All spectators are required to abide by all NFHL and facility rules.
- Spectators who are disruptive and do not abide by the misconduct rules will be removed from the tournament and will jeopardize their’s teams entry in the tournament. We take misconduct very seriously.
- Outside food/beverages will NOT be allowed on the premises.
- Boxed lunches will be coordinated with the Sportsplex and will be delivered to Fields 1 and 2 only (they cannot deliver to the Hampton Roads Soccer Complex fields).
- Order online here.
Deadline to order is November 10th.